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SEAMOSS (gold)

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Our 100% organic Seamoss is wildcrafted and imported from the ocean in St.Lucia.


Seamoss (Genus Gracilaria, not to be confused with Chrondrus Crispus) is a genus of red algae known for it's high nutrient content, immune boosting abilities and is considered as a superfood. It typically grows on both rocks and ropes in the ocean.


  • Improves and promotes hair, skin + nail health
  • 92 out of the 102 minerals your body needs
  • Boosts immunity
  • Promotes weight loss
  • Anti Inflammatory
  • Promotes collagen production (vegan)
  • High in Idione + calcium
  • Fights against oxidative stress 
  • Removes excess mucus from the body
  • Promotes thyroid + heart health
  • Regulates blood sugar levels
  • Removes Toxins + heavy metals 
  • Lowers bad cholesterol 
  • Improve libido 


To consume seamoss is it prepared into a gel form which can be consumed on its own or by adding to smoothies, protein shakes, teas and juices. It can also be used as a face mask or hair mask. To prepare it into a gel follow the directions below:


In a large bowl add purified water (bottled fluoride free, tap water contains too many chemicals) and gently massage your seamoss removing sea salt and any sea debris. Drain + repeat if needed.
Tip: If you find it smells 'fishy' use fresh lime juice to remove the odour. ( Remember this is a ocean product)

2) SOAK IT  

Cover the Seamoss with fresh purified water and let is soak for 12-24 hours. (save the water for the next step)

3) BLEND  

After the Seamoss has soaked overnight add it to the blender and only a little of the remaining water to start. Add more depending on the consistency you like. You want it to resemble a gel/applesauce like consistency. Blend until smooth then refrigerate.
*Seamoss will begin to thicken after 2 hours


Store your gel in a airtight container.
Gel lasts:
1 MONTH in refrigerator 
3 MONTHS in freezer. 

Store up to 1 year in airtight container in dark place.

Recommendations: Freeze in ice cube trays for smoothies


We recommend 1 tbsp of gel per day to start, and up too 2 tbsp/day for regular dosing.

* Due to high levels of iodine and calcium we do not recommend taking more then the recommended dosage.  Consult your doctor first if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.